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Chamonix multiservices tree trimming

How to choose your Flowers pots

We are working with 2 garden shops in Chamonix, jardinerie de Taconnaz and jardinerie de Talèfre. 
We recommend to buy good and beautiful pots, the pots are an important element for the beauty of flowers. 
Standard quality on the left and in the middle, basic quality on the right           

Various flowers pots (design pots + support for 70 euros)   

The prices of the pots are very variable from 10 euros for the cheapest to hundred euros (and even more) for the most beautiful pots. 
You buy once the support and the pots, the flowers, the soil and the work every year. 

Prices for a flower pot on the balcony 60 centimeters long 

Basic:  Support + flower pot = 30 euros (we don't recommand to buy the basic quality) 
Flowers and soil = 20 euros 
Work = 10 euros per pot (flower pot, roundtrip transportation of the flowers and pots, fixing of flower pots and storage of your pots in your property) 

Standard: Support + flower pot = 40 euros (65 euros for a design flower pot with the supports) 
Flowers and soil= 25 euros 
Work = 10 euros (flower pot, roundtrip transportation of the flowers and pots, fixing of flower pots and storage of your pots in your property) 

Premium: Rates on request 

Pot big capacity rates on request 

The work is paid to (flower pot, roundtrip transportation of the flowers and pots, fixing of flower pots and storage of your pots in your property) 
The flower pots, supports, flowers and pots are paid to the garden shops.( Talèfre or Taconnaz)